OK so that's the longest that I've ever gone without posting. Thank you all for still checking in, and heck, I even appreciate the anonymous hang up call (pretty sure I know where that came from). lol.
I think I just needed a break from the blog for a while. I've been doing this for around 7 years now fairly regularly so I must have needed some free time to relax. I've been trying to write a post for a month now. Finally decided to just do it and get it done, because I'll have way too much to update everyone on if I don't.
Here's some of the things that's been going on in my life.
- Tanner Graduated from high school. I know, right?
Pretty proud of that kid. He's not an honor roll kid, but he's a leader and being a leader will get you a long way in the world. He was the head of the relay for life team for his entire work place (which is a big deal for an 18yo) and they keep talking to him about moving into a management position. He could totally do it and make career of it too - while going to college.
He also had his last prom. It was the same day as his girlfriend's high school graduation, there was a bit of stress over the whole thing, but we all worked it out ok.
Because this happened.....
This happened.....
My little sister had her baby. Her name is Bristol and she's probably the cutest baby in the world (mainly because she looks like me). Whodathunk it? My baby sister has her own baby. She's a really good mom.
The irony of my baby graduating just days before she was born was not lost on me.
I've painted a couple things:
I've been trying to paint more for fun lately (obviously). I also painted a set of Harry Potter wands which turned out pretty awesome, they are not scanned yet. I probably will add them to an etsy and sell prints. I'm saving every nickel I make from painting on a dream vacation. I don't know where the location is yet, but when I get a few grand saved up, I'm out of here. Most likely I'll come back with a tan in the process.
Speaking of painting, I signed up for an acrylic painting class for the summer. Pretty excited about it. I love hanging out with other creatives.
Speaking of Harry Potter, I have been reading a lot. I finished all the HP books and now I'm half way through the Hunger Game's trilogy. I have only wanted to slit my wrists about 6 times. I'm crossing my fingers that it gets a little less depressing soon. I keep dreaming I'm Katniss and the world is kicking my ass.
I think all this reading screens is blowing out my eyes. I really need glasses but I've been in denial. Plus I don't know how to shoot with glasses on. I've been depending on the camera a lot to be in focus on it's own. So far it's working.
While looking for photos for Tanner's graduation slideshow dvd I made him (which was really hard for me because I had no idea what I was doing), I found the first photo I took of the house:
I'm so amazed how different it looks now than it did back then so I thought I'd share with you what we do on almost every free weekend we have:
So many new things here that weren't there before like a whole new porch, brand new roof, the front door was switched with the window. It's not done yet but it looks like a completely different house now. I think the neighbors have finally decided that we're not white trash after all.
Fooled them! ;)
Right now we're lining the inside of the living room wall (facing the front of the house) with carsiding wood tongue and groove. It's really pretty! Eventually the house will be covered with log cabin siding so we're going with a rustic feel to everything we do in the house.
Honestly? I regret wood floors. My feet hurt all the time.
We have a really big, life altering event happening soon (can't tell right now until it's official). I'm literally sitting here waiting for the phone to ring (they were supposed to call hours ago). If all goes well, it will be one of my proudest moments of my life.
I'm about half way through my wedding season and still booking for this year! I will probably only take a couple more weddings and then consider myself full for the year. I have no idea how those people do it that shoot 50+ a year! It's going a lot faster than I thought it would. Of course, I'm behind schedule on processing. Working in two places is hard yo. I'll get it all figured out somehow.
Getting myself back into shape. When Gene lost his job I stopped my nutrisystem program I was doing really well with. I've gained back a bit but still down from before. I HAVE to get healthy. You know, typical reasons (besides my modeling career of course.)
Pretty sure I have gallstones. Hold me.
The glass shop is doing well. If he's not installing glass, he's out beating the streets drumming up business and making sales calls. Failure is unlikely with him, and even then he'd go down with a major fight. Gene said the other day "I never thought I'd see numbers like this again." That's a big deal for him. He's turned into a fairly optimistic kind of guy. He's definitely happier than he's ever been in his life, and it's not just about business either.
In a few days it will be our 5th anniversary. I still haven't decided what I'd like to do special. I really want to go somewhere - on a plane - far from home. We'll see. We are doing great. I'm so lucky I met the love of my life. I can't imagine anyone better suited for me than him. We still treat each other like we're newlyweds and I don't see us changing that part of our lives. We're pretty blessed.
OK, I that's all the updates I can think of at the moment. I'm sure I'll think of 27 more 3 minutes after I hit "publish". But maybe that will now give me an excuse to update at least once a week.