I have 2 sons, Seth and Tanner and we live the good life in the country outside of Maryville, MO. I love good books, pondering life over laundry, great photography (some of it's even mine) and scrapbooking. I've delved into cooking and writing which is funny considering I never thought I was very good at either.
I'm a professional photographer with my own company aptly named, Cease Fire Studios. My passion is photography. I take pictures because I'm driven to create. I really like making normal people look their best, so you probably won't see any gorgeous models in my portfolio. Just regular people who look like gorgeous models. For many people, my images will be a defining point in their self-image. I take that seriously, and I treat them with a respect befitting the beauty I see in all people.
You can check out my portfolio here, and my pricing here.
You can find some of my favorite posts here:
A Story about Soup
Delight in the simple things
I think I found the door to Narnia
Bicycle Bloodletting
The night my brother stabbed me
Did you bring your man with you little lady?
Here is your sign