OK, so much to update so I'll make it the bulleted post!
- Been working on the house. LOTS getting done, lots left to do. Tiled the bathroom floor. I might add, it SUCKED. OMG... I dunno if I'll ever do that again. OK I have no choice, I have an entire shower to do, a bathtub wall(s), and the master bath floor, which is TWICE AS LARGE as this one. Oh, btw, sanded grout really hurts.
- Tanner is a great helper! He gets hot like the rest of us but keeps up. He was installing the floor in the livng room by himself while Gene was outside cutting and routering
- Our living room floor is almost complete. We're using pine planks to make a rustic feeling floor. Did I mention the house will be a cabin when it's done? Fanciest double-wide in all of NW MO. Har.
- Spent some time with my mom and sisters this weekend. We went shopping. Found an awesome keg for the new house. Gene's disappointed it doesn't actually work (or it'd be full of Crown Royal).
- Biggest news, I'm going to be an aunt again! My BABY SISTER is going to be a mommy. Dunno if I'm happy or sad. Happy cuz you know.. babies. Sad cuz, ugh, I was a pre-teen when Torrie was born. Thus: I'm getting old. She's due in March. I've kinda been wondering lately if she was. Just that "been a mom superhero spidey sense" thing.
- This little old man made me laugh. yes he was alive, we whispered enough he woke up.

- Went to garage sales on Saturday and picked up this awesome rocking chair, perfect for a cabin for CHEAP. Too bad the woman chased us down 2 sales later and accused us of not paying her! *oh no you didn't!* Needless to say, she only got paid her $25 ONCE.
- I've designed a business card for the photo biz. It features Gene's 3 granddaughters. CUTE. I really like it.
- I saw the coolest license plate the other day "OK2BEME". I wished I had my camera. What a great attitude. I've tried to undo some of the stuff I've said to myself over the past few years (gaining weight will do that to you). My new motto is "OK2BEME". Cuz it is ok. Positive talk in your own head is probably the best way to start, everything will fall in behind that. Which reminds me a quote:
Watch your thoughts; they become your words
Watch your words; they become your actions.
Watch your actions; they become your habits.
Watch your habits; they become your character.
Watch your character; for it becomes your destiny.
Frank Outlaw
Sorry not an exciting post, I'm so busy lately that I'm posting even less than before. I hate mass posts but it helps me catch up, and I promised ppl I'd post! I'll try to do more updates so it doesn't take as much time!
Off to pack up at least a couple boxes, I've barely packed ANYTHING and we move in 3 weeks!