The house is coming along really well, kinda slow at times, but it looks better than when we moved in. All the boxes are arranged neatly (mostly) out of the way, I wouldn't be really embarassed if the plumber had to show up and look at my kitchen at least.
Updates on some of the things we've accomplished.

Here is my BLACK cabinets (people look at me like I"m crazy when I say that but HELLO, they look great!). I spray painted all the hinges and saved a fortune! I also got all my cabinet pulls at walmart and I must say I really did like them. They are an oval brushed nickel (silver is my favorite metallic color and probably one of my favorite colors over all). Because I saved so much on the knobs and the hinges, I decided to go all out and get what I wanted for drawer pulls. I love the antique feel, but with a modern "stainless steel" type look. You also get a glimpse of the floor as it looks after we got it done. Still needs a couple more coats of urethane (which will be so FUN with us living here!).

We bought some cabinets from Amber and Cole over the weekend. They remodeled their kitchen, and it just so happened that their old cabinets look a lot like the cabinets that we put in the laundry room and will also put on the opposite side of the kitchen for the home office. That saved us a few hundred bucks, and it will get them out of their garage! win-win! Really looking forward to getting my home office done. I hate all these boxes sitting around here. I'm not a huge clutter fan (well, I like things, but I don't like them cluttering up and screwing up my space!
Anyway, we're going to paint those cabinets the same color and then add a really smallish island. This kitchen's storage will about triple! I will probably have more cabinets than things to put in them! (a good thing)
My NEW stainless steel stove, which in the picture looks dirty. grrr. I love it, it's so pretty, we're going to get all new stainless. There'd be a new dishwasher if the guys at home depot had not talked us out of it. *???* He was weird. Good thing, because we decided that we needed carpet for the back bedrooms worse. Although since moving here, I realized how much I hate doing dishes (probably because there's more room to let them pile up more)
And lastly, king of the beasties (well, more like a prince), Jingles, was helping me the other day put the new doors on the laundry room cabinets. too cute not to take a pic of him. I lurve that stupid cat.
You get an idea here how UGLY the wallpaper crap was when we moved in here. We're literally covering every square inch of this house inside and out. *every square inch* A bit daunting if you think about it like that.
Anyway, Amber had this AWESOME dusty pumpkin orange color in her entry way of her new house and I really loved it. I went to Lowes to try to find some like it with no luck so I called her and asked her about it. WELL, she said that I could have the rest of hers. *score* So I'm going to paint the laundry room in that color instead. Maybe I'll even sneak a few of my old pumpkins back in there (I had pumpkins in my kitchen/dining room for several years now - all year long). What's funny is, everyone looks at me funny when I tell them that, and Amber is doing the same thing! I love how much we're alike. Of all my siblings, her and I are almost telepathic at times. *weird* Now if I could be even half way between her weight and mine I'd skip through the grocery store naked. (scary visual - it IS halloween after all LOLOL)
OK, gotta go get around to get my kid in town and buy primer I forgot to get, and precious Jingles keeps harping at me cuz I forgot catfood too. Oops.