Mother's Day, we were set to get up, go pick up the boys and head to Gene's mom's house to spend the day with her and his brothers/Sisters in laws/kids. Gene and I sleep with the door shut and the phones in the other room.
I went to bed about 10:30, and when I got up, the answering machine was blinking, I'd missed 2 calls on my cell phone, (Chris and Torrie). I pretty much then knew it wasn't good news!
See, my dad has been ill for several years now. I can't even remember how long ago it was (amber was in high school), Dad had a heart attack. He was forced to retire early and he just hasn't done "great" since then. He has had a couple "episodes" that have landed him in the hospital several times. Once was about a 5 month stretch.
2.5 years ago, the drs said he had one year to live, and frankly I never believed them because they never gave me a definitive answer of why. So far, he's proved me pretty much right.
About a week ago, Dad had gotten up late (I guess he was watching tv and mom fell asleep on the couch) and he lost his balance and fell down the stairs. He did not get better and Saturday night, he said he didn't feel very good, very weak, etc. Mom ended up calling the ambulance and on the way to the hospital, he went "out". They did CPR on him for 45 min.
He was to be life flighted to Lincoln Neb, and they got to the hospital and could not land because of the wind, because of the fog, so he was taken via ambulance by the same guys that took him into Clarinda.
Drs say that when you get cpr over 15 min, you have a 10% chance of making it. They did a CT scan to see if he had any brain function.
Can you believe that crotchity old coot? He can hear, recognize ppl, open his eyes, move his feet/hands/head, he can also sort of speak. (he can't talk when his ventilator is in, or his trac tube is out but he can mouth words).
The drs now are saying his heart is working at 15% and he's just "wearing out".
Anyway, we headed off to Lincoln to see him, and he's not doing good, but he quite frankly is doing better than I expected.
I will keep you updated, but I just wanted you to think about my dad, give him mental good wishes and say a little prayer for him.
I also wanted to show you my dad.. so I made a few pics from my "albums" on my computer. I was worried I had no pictures, and I was surprised, I actually had several. Not a lot, but some.

My dad's family growing up. Only one missing is norma, but she was probably in Colorado with my great-grandma, she spent a great deal of her time there.
Dad Graduated in... '57 or '58 I believe. This is his senior picture.
Here is a pic from my parent's wedding. I never knew my dad had dimples.
A family photo, before my uncle's wedding. That's me my mom is holding. I don't know how to break this to you Torrie, but you look just like mom. Oh and Curtis, like it or not, you look like dad.

This is how I remember my dad from my childhood. He was a big guy until my 7th grade and he had to lose a lot of weight do to health reasons, but when I think back, this is the image I see.
This is dad at christmas in '02. I think he'd had his first heart attack then. Still looking pretty good, but getting some major grey-age action going. That is seth next to him.
This is dad and Seth, Christmas '07. I can't believe how much he's changed. He's literally 1/2 the man he was (weight) as he was at his highest. He actually had been doing pretty good, not at his worst ever, he could walk on his own, get up and get around.
I never realized how much he had changed over such a short time. I guess it's just a reminder that we need to take better care of ourselves, that things can change in a blink. Too much weight and smoking for years - eating not that great. I've done it all, except for the smoking!
Let's take better care of ourselves ppl!