We got a lot accomplished yesterday.
Pool got stored away - only one minor disagreement on the storage method. I won.
Went to st. Joe, found an even better priced back door. We'll get that this week, and install it next weekend. *that will be fun* {sarcasm}
Went to Panda Express {one of my favs}. Gene's always so sweet, he orders stuff that's not his favorite, so he can have leftovers for my lunch the next day.

He has an annoyed look because I asked if I could take his pic, and with the new lense, I had to back up quite a bit so he was embarassed. heh.
Got home and we installed the last door. It was a pain in the rear!! No really. the top of the door was wider than the bottom by *a lot* so we had to do a lot of shim work. The trim will be left up to me, which I'm really not all that excited about, but it's now my specialty :p I also have to stain and install the doorknobs on the last 2 doors.
After we got done with the doors, and all the little chores to get done, we dragged out the new lounge chairs and gene barbequed steaks (big shocker) and I read my CK mag. crappy pic of me, but it's ok. Looks like a bad ad for CK magazine. LOL.
Then I got out my camera for a project I'm going to share with you next month. And while setting up the shot, these guys flew over.
Still not sure why they were flying north.
This butterfly ticked me off. He'd been hanging in the tree for like an HOUR so when I finally broke down and went to get my camera, he decided to get up and fly around. grr. It was a cool shot too.
Working on laundry as we speak. Every weekend dish is washed, seriously it looked like we had a party here we had so many dishes. I'm going to finish cleaning the bathroom - it's sooooo much cleaner now. I decided to get serious and super scrub the shower (because I didn't do much but try to knock the dirt off because we're planning on ripping it out) but since it'll be a bit before we replace the shower, I decided that I should super scrub it. All that's left is the toilet, which just needs a wipe down cuz I swish the inside every day (easy to keep clean if you do it that way).
Gotta vacuum, and I'm going to put the table down smaller to make room in the dining room. It's going to just have to be a "staging area" for a while until we get our garage sale out of the way.
Happy Monday!