The image on the left is the lens at f 1.8, and the right is f 8. The wider (smaller #) aperture, the narrower the depth of field, which gives you that pretty blurry background/foreground. Ppl pay lots of money for blurry bits. Neither photo is tack sharp to be honest, I need to play with it a while til I get the hang of it.
For the record, Gene does not smoke.... STILL. He's just enjoying a VSOP in celebration of finishing the plumbing! I mean *everything*, clear down to insulating everything. That was like 5 weekends and a lot of back pain for him.
ATM, breakfast is cooking. I found a recipe that sounded good, broccoli/mushroom quiche so we're having that for breakfast. I actually got up way early to make it.
I got Tanner's door hung yesterday. Man, that one was sooo hard. It's not perfect (the trim in one corner looks like swiss cheese where I had to screw it down), but it's in, and it works, that's what matters most. I have to get some trim and I'll be able to finish it tomorrow.
Went to garage sales yesterday. Hit one that was reallllly good. Gene got 2 sets of lead crystal tumblers. He likes to have a drink out of them, makes him feel hoity toity. LOL. I got 2 architectural pieces to hang in Tanner's bathroom. And we got 2 lawn/lounge chairs. I'd been wanting one, and we got them looking near new for CHEAP. We decided that we're going to bbq steak, bake potatoes and lounge outside for supper.
Yesterday we went to the Hangar to see Eagle Eye in the dinner theatre. I thought it was pretty good. I love action thrillers. Gene thought it was too long... which is silly as it was less than 2 hours. I agree that it was kinda hokey at the end.
We're going to St. Joe today, to pay for our new back door and to pick up knobs. Have committed ourselves to getting the pool packaged up (that's not fun) and getting the AC out of the bedroom. We've talked about putting on the guest room door. I'd rather get all the other stuff out of the way first.
Oh, and a shout out to Paul Newman who died yesterday of cancer. Butch Cassidy and Cool Hand Luke is gone. Just seems strange when one of the great "old" actors passes on.
1 comment:
Great pictures on your blog!
I love the ones with dew.
Keep on shooting and blogging
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