HA. can't get rid of me that easy.
I'm kinda ready for 365 to be done tho, and I really don't like getting that behind. It took forever to catch these up.

I have 2 sons, Seth and Tanner and we live the good life in the country outside of Maryville, MO. I love good books, pondering life over laundry, great photography (some of it's even mine) and scrapbooking. I've delved into cooking and writing which is funny considering I never thought I was very good at either.
Read my full profile here, along with some of my favorite posts of all time.
I LOVE your cat! I had a big orange and white kitty who looked so much like yours. I miss him tons and seeing yours made me smile.
Great shots! I have to admit, now I'm curious about the planes too, and also...you sent shampoo to school?
Turtle.. Awww.. visit often. He makes at least one weekly appearance if not more. hah.. he's jingles, the wonder cat.
I sent the little shampoo gift bags along with some school supplies. The little turd took hers and dumped it on her bed! UGH.
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