Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A conversation with my husband:

Me: I figured out what I want to do with the columns on the front porch.
Him: What now?
Me: You do this... then you do this.
Him: *Puzzled look*
Me: I saw this picture on the internet.

We decided to let our Labor Day weekend be a little more lax.  Went for a motorcycle ride out for dinner, laid around the house, sweltered a bit in the heat.  But mainly the heavy lifting on the porch addition we let go.
Mainly because the shingles we needed were on order so Gene got a reprieve.  The bad news is, he grossly under estimated how much he needed (tape measure anyone?) and I have to order again.
Who wants to place a bet that he cuts himself short on shingles AGAIN?
I'll take that bet. lol
So instead, we decided to work on the columns on the front deck.  Most ppl seem to be happy with the treated 4x4's, but oh no, not me!  I'll have nothing less than what pinterest tells me I want by golly.
This involves beefing up the 4x4's with more treated lumber, then cladding all that with solid cedar.
And then she swore.
a lot. 
I swear I haven't thought I was going to lose my shit more than while cutting the miters for those caps for the posts.  I wanted to give up, but my husband kept lying to me and telling me they were great and to keep going.  I have 3 done.
there are 9.
Hold me mommy.
After all that is done, the top half will be also clad with cedar making nice grand posts.
This champagne taste on a beer budget is getting the best of me I'm telling you.  We're over budget by like, a grand.
Budget schmuget.
Studio plans might change. :/  Not sure if I'm happy or sad or just annoyed.
Annoyed.  Going with Annoyed.

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