Thursday, November 8, 2007

18 years ago today....

A 20 year old, barely into adulthood herself, dropped a bomb on the world. LOL. And we named him Seth Logan.

I have an 18 year old!!! (I was really just 12 when I had him.) :p

On November 7, 1989 (already about a week or so overdue) I went for my weekly appt with Dr. Jane and my blood pressure had shot up. So, she suggested we wait a few days to see what happen, or I could go in early on the 8th and they'd start me.

I went home, pondered it for a while, called Dr. Jane about 8 - 9 p.m. (you really can't do that anymore!) and said I'd meet her in the morning.

By 4:05 p.m. There he was, a screaming bundle of joy, and he hasn't stopped screaming since!

6lb, 10.5 oz. I can't remember how long he was and the baby books are still in boxes!

Welcome to adulthood Seffie. Where what you do now is forever! No clean slate, no do-overs, and your signature is pretty much your word. Sigh. (I'm such a killjoy) LOL.

Sharing some pics of my not baby boy...

This one kinda sums up seth. Not much into having his picture taken. I don't know why it's one of my favorites of him!

Seth being Seth... helping out his work (Hy-Vee) during the parade this summer.

Seth and tanner at Amber's wedding this summer. Seth with his usual "don't take my picture" scowl.

Love you Seth! Even tho you wonder about that sometimes, I do, and dammit if I'm not proud of you and the things you've accomplished in your first 18 years.

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