Monday, December 10, 2007

more posting

I told you I was splitting this up.

Chris and Amy made it to Fort Bliss. They say it's not Blissful. Eh. Welcome to the army!

So anyway, all the pressies had to be mailed, did that stop us from buying 18 things for each child. *noooooo*. Gift cards woulda been cheap to mail. LOL. It's ok, I just wish we could see them open their stuff!

This is one of 3 boxes, Us and great-grandma/pa (hi Carol/Bud!) all went a little hog wild and they might not even have to buy santa presents. Look at that haul. I'm so proud of my packing skills I took a pic. Dayum. I should pack boxes for a living (and then shoot myself cuz how freaking boring would that be).

Snapshot of the upper cabinets now in the kitchen that has no cabinets on one side! Thanks amber/cole/copper for bringing them down! Once they are painting and new handles and lowers, and a countertop and a pantry and a desk and and and and....

they'll be great. LOL. Right now, I love them because they are hung, by us, while we were irritated at each other and they didn't fall off the wall. All in all, an accomplishment.

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