Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Almost forgot!

I forgot I hadn't really posted for about a week or so. I have these pics from Becky's Graduation. Excuse me.. DR. Becky's Graduation from KU. We're so proud of her!!

We missed Becky walking down the hill with the other FOUR THOUSAND students (whodathunkit, with all those distinct black robes). So Cowboy Gene went over and got the grad as she was waiting for everyone else to finish walking.

Mr. and Dr. N.

Little miss Ester, showing her KU pride! Ain't she a cutie pie?

I think this is one of my favorite pics from the day. This is looking over Gene's shoulder.

Unfortunately, when you graduate, your future employer kinda expects you to actually come WORK! *how rude* So Sunday Graduation, and Tuesday, Becky, David and Ester head off to PA for the new job. Plus they are buying a house and got there for their inspection. Crossing fingers all went well.

I will say, that they will be missed, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing them more than ppl think we will. If anything, we always have a place to vaca out east now! LOL.

Emma and Michael.. do you realize that Becky and David are not all that far from you now???!

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