Keysa (which is a rockin' name) first met me over the phone. I was calling her place of employment looking for trash service. She worked in the front office. Sadly, her first encounter with me, was me complaining about my former service! LOL. She was cool about it, and that makes her awesome in my books. So anyway, I really didn't MEET Keysa until one of my dearest friends started working in the front office too - just the two of them.
I would go to visit my friend Stacy, and chat with Keysa while I was there. It was so funny, I really didn't "know" Keysa, but she is so easy to talk to, it was like I've known her for ages. At one point, we had decided we were all going to star in "The Real Housewives of Nodaway County" (where we live), and do a total redneck spin on it. Keysa was going to get to be the pretty one.
Now Andy, I've known Andy since he was like - 6 years old. What I can tell you about Andy back then, was this... he was ornery. There's no other way to say it except he was a trouble maker. Adorable as heck, but ornery. His dad and my ex served on the fire dept together. His mom and I both worked for competing newspapers around the same time. Plus it's a pretty small town if you wanna get technical about it.
Imagine my surprise when about 20 years later, he's a full grown adult. Exactly when did that happen? I dunno, all I can remember is he's this little 6 year old toe headed blond little stink butt. (see how I made that whole sentence with no commas? pfft)
So then one day I'm talking to Keysa, she says something about her boyfriend, I ask her who it is and she said "Andy W" and I'm like "GET OUT! He's grown up now??"
(I live in a bubble I tell ya - this is how I can tell people that I'm 28 with a straight face).
So one day, I'm sitting in a local restaurant. I happen to see Andy sitting there a couple tables over, and I say to myself "Good god when is that boy going to ask her to marry him already?" No really... those were the exact words that were in my head.
Approximately 2 weeks later, Keysa is announcing an engagement ring!
Keysa, you are welcome! I put the marriage juju on him.
I was happy when they decided that they wanted me to shoot their wedding! They are pretty awesome and fun people - in fact, Andy is a wedding DJ himself!
Both love to play softball, and spend most of their summer evenings at the ballfield (no that's not how they met - they met in high school) so it was no big suprise when they wanted to do most of their shoot at the ball fields! Thank you guys, I had fun, and it was one of the more interesting engagement shoots I've had yet!
Great story & photos! I like the two black & white the best & also the sunshine one at the end!
What great engagement shots.
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