Monday, November 23, 2009

Where in the world is ......

My world, this past few days:

1. Gene had a birthday last week. Happy birthday dear! It could be worse, you could be 50. LOL. Baked him a cake, took him to dinner... it was a good day.

2. Got my Pioneer Woman cookbook in the mail...



This is a really good cookbook. It doesn't really feel a lot like a cookbook even, it's full color on every single page, lots of photos of how to make the recipes, but it also has some great stories and beautiful photography. I don't think it will go on the cookbook shelf.

3. Meet Boo Boo Kitty. He/She is my new outdoor kitty. Actually, the cat adopted me, and eats mice in my yard so kitty can stay.


    Don't worry, I name every stray cat boo boo kitty.

    4. We finally applied all the trim to the counters this weekend. I'd been putting it off for literally over a year.


    What the counters looked like before, above. (Yes I know, I desperately need to clean off my desk.) I lived with that for almost a year (on my desk). The rest of the counters were finished this summer, they didn't look nearly that bad. The bottom photo is the after. Almost all the trim is stained black. TIP: You can't stain oak black. Can't be done with over the counter stains (not even onyx). Trust me. Buy some india ink and stain with that, works great, and will still take 2 coats!!


    Trim on the island is different than trim on the rest of the kitchen. Island has black granite and after we put the trim up, I realized that it was a LOT of black, so we decided to try the red oak first, and we really like the color.

    5. Found what is probably going to be our Christmas gift:


    After getting the trim up, we sat in the living room, looked into the kitchen and said, "Man that fridge looks like ass." You see, we have a really old fridge that was a freebie. When we moved in, this place tapped us for almost EVERYTHING, and a free fridge was a blessing not to have to worry about buying a new one. The down side is, it's old, rusty on the outside and doesn't match the other appliances.

    So we went appliance shopping.

    I fell in love.
    I have named her Maggie.

    Thats never a good sign.

    Bad news.... it doesn't fit in the hole!! Worse news.... we still want it!! Guess what? We're planning on tearing up a section of the kitchen we just declared "almost finished" hours before.

    Don't answer that.

    6. Friday night shot the Mother/Son dance at the community center. Kinda like a daddy/daughter, only vicey versy.

    7. I have a lot of work to do. Several weddings I'm going to try to crank out this next 2 holiday weeks. I'm having a slow start, today has been a bad day for me, I have things weighing heavy on my mind, and I'd rather sit here and wallow in my self pity. Maybe getting out of my jammies would help.

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