They were dusting the field right across the road from my house, so yeah, like 25 yard from my front deck. This was taken with an 18-55 mm lense, so you know I wasn't getting super up close.
Yes, I know, I promised an Obama rant a couple days ago, but a.) I've been really busy trying to make a deadline and b.) when I did have time to do it, I just wasn't riled up enough. I guess I need to wait until I'm all PMSing. LOL.
The funny thing about mentioning a crop duster online is that you may end up on this page, hosted by AgAir: http://www.agairupdate.com/aau/articles/PilotStories/HomePage.html
Thought you'd like to know...
Hey that's awesome thanks for the heads up! It wasn't a rant tho, but that's ok. I think the crop dusters are cool! I've said that it's something I'd LOVE to do. Now, for that pesky pilots license.
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