I said it, it is ordained.
she makes stuff that's not junky, really cute and to top it all off darn it she's funny. You should go there. You need to like her.
Just sayin.
I'm addicted to crochet again. Well, when I say again, I mean finally. I learned to crochet when I was about 8 or 9. My mom taught me the broomstick stitch and that's pretty much all I knew for years. To this day I've never seen anyone else do it except my mom.
I guess it's been easy to become addicted because I have that OCD type personality that has to be doing SOMETHING. Now something might be reading a magazine while watching TV, or listening to Dave Ramsey while editing photos, but it has to be more than just sitting there. I guess that is my Grandma Marie gene. I really don't ever remember her not having something to do with her hands.
So anyway, american idol is on again, you know that show that drags on incessently for 5 months when it could be 3, and 1/3 of it I don't even like (the part right now). I don't even listen to music!!! *sigh*
Anyway, 2 hours on tuesday and 1 hour on wednesday is 3 hours that I can't sit there. So I decided that crochet is my thing to do while watching idol. (and Friends reruns every night from 6-7, and seriously those never get old).
Last night at 6:30 I started the above scarf. I showed it to Gene, asked him if he thought the colors were pretty, and then started treble stitching away. 45 min later I show it to gene and it's 18 inches long. His was floored it was going so fast and his imitation of me crocheting looked much like the eyebrowless banjo playing boy on "Deliverance".
It warranted a belly laugh.
1.5 hours later and it was done.
Damn I rock.
Lord I'm lame.
And here is our other addiction:
And when I say "we" I mean me.
Yes folks, that's THREE family sized boxes of honey bunches of oats *with almonds*. I buy them in pairs now. Once in a while tanner begs for something else, and then it rots in the back of the pantry while we all nosh on this stuff. They sprinkle crack on it, did you know that? CRACK ppl.
Try it. Join me. Just a little, you can quit whenever you want.
I know. It's crazy, but I'm on an owl obsession lately and I want an owl purse. this is the cutest owl fabric EVER.
It's also discontinued. :(
Saturday, we kind of hung around town, went to JCPenney and picked up a couple christmas gifts and a new bedding set for our bed - regularly $275 - our cost $29.95.
I also got this:
a new tattoo. It's of our monogram (L C G). I have moments of "this is cool" and moments of "what the hell did I do". I'll reserve final judgement for about a month from now and decide if I'm buying a skin lightener or not! (I'm not 100% happy with the tattoo artist.... long story). Hurt like a son of a gun - and I'm not sure it was supposed to.
Picked Tanner up from his trip at MIDNIGHT. I was so tired. LOL I think that should have been a husband job. *hmmpft* ;)
Sunday was quiet, I didn't get out of my jammies all day. Gene helped me with dishes so I didn't have so much to do today (and I'm not supposed to put my hands in water.. see how I planned that?). I scrapbooked a lot, he ebayed gems a lot.
Today, I was busy, I met with a new bride, her aunt and I were best friends in elementary school. Her mom and I used to work together. I hope I get to do their wedding, she's so cute (and looks just like her mom/aunt) - it would be fun to do a wedding with all these ppl I knew and grew up with.
Ordered some save the date cards, got a guestbook and sample ordered.
Supper is cooking, and then I'm taking the evening off!
That we offer design services too?
{Prolly not because that's all new. heh. }
We're now offering design work that includes:
Send me an email and we'll talk about what you need!
Cooking my V-day gift right now. 2 pounds of king crab and T-bones. Beats roses any day.
I have 2 sons, Seth and Tanner and we live the good life in the country outside of Maryville, MO. I love good books, pondering life over laundry, great photography (some of it's even mine) and scrapbooking. I've delved into cooking and writing which is funny considering I never thought I was very good at either.
Read my full profile here, along with some of my favorite posts of all time.