Well, because of this, I've had an increase amount of traffic to my blog of ppl checking out the tree log. So far all they've gotten to see are the above said pictures since I've not been able to plant. Snow sucks!
Here's the plan.
I'm going to give away one of these trees :) But as you see, I'm not going to tell the tree ppl. Why? Well, those that stick around on their own, will find out. hehe *shhhhhhh*
Here's the rules:
- You must only enter one time
- Anyone can enter - even friends and family
- You must at some point, share pics of your tree!
- Comments will be collected until 5 p.m. central on Monday.
- You must leave a post telling your favorite memory involving a tree.
- Entries only from US, Canada and Mexico - only places where this is able to be mailed to! (so if customs says no, sorry, answer is no)
My favorite memories involve the same tree. When I was little, we had a big red maple in front of our house. It was so pretty! Red maples were my Dad's favorite trees and when my parents moved, they planted another one.
Now, my mom worked during the day, so that left the 3 of us alone to raise hell. One day we decided to climb the tree. Bad move in a town of about 100 ppl, because later that night, mom reamed us on climbing the tree. She said a "little bird" told her.
I totally never "got it" until years later, but the little bird drove a red buick skylark, and her name was GRANDMA. We *thought* she couldn't see us. Apparently, we were wrong.
I actually found you through the 'tree people!' What a great blog you have...
I would love to win your give-a-way.
As a kid I used to love to play capture the flag with the neighbor kids. About 20 of us would play every day in the summer time and I would duck from tree to tree trying to remain 'unseen.' I have such great memories of those summers and of the trees that so often helped hide me from my enemies.
emily smith
Lana Lana Lana, I want that tree..so I've come to you with my best tree story. When my daughter was in 3rd or 4th grade she got a tree in school on Arbor Day. Remember those teeny little pine trees they gave out on Arbor Day? Well my mother planted that little twig into a huge claypot in her backyard alongside her garden shed. My daughter is 25 now and that tree is one of the biggest trees in my mom's neighborhood-- AND it is still in the original claypot! Over the years it has cracked the pot, broken the pot, and eventually the roots have wound in, around, under and beneath the pot. It's so rustically unique!
If that's not enough to win me that tree, I propose a tree-dare!
I live in Wisconsin..so I won't be able to plant the tree until about the same time that YOU plant your tree. Sooo...healthy competition being what it is, let's have a tree-off. We can set a date and time that we will periodically photograph our trees and compare them for tree-quality excellence. Finally on Oct 1 we will photograph AND measure our trees to see who is the Best Dang Tree Grower in the Heartland. I think I can take ya! I know tree secrets (i.e. Miracle Grow) and stuff!!
If you win the tree-off I will send you a whole prize package of tree goodies to be named later. But think of the possibilities... A Tree Grows in Brooklyn (the book), a bonsai tree, apples from my apple tree, pine cones from my pine tree, real maple syrup, umm... maybe even a money tree.
And if I win (which surely I will), you can give me a prize you find suitable for the best Dang Tree Grower in the Heartland. So what do you think? Are you scared? C'mon woman, are you a chicken or a tree grower?
Hi Lana,
I also found you looking for fast growing trees trying to replace my pink grapefruit tree that died last summer. I'd love to be in the drawing for the free tree.
My own tree story begins in 1970 when I was 7 years old. We had just moved back to Phoenix and moved into a house with 2 huge mulberry trees in the front yard.
My brother and I and all the neighborhood children loved those trees. Year-round they were the best place to "play" in the neighborhood.
In the fall, the leaves would drop to the ground and cover the entire yard. We made a rooms and hallways on the lawn as we kicked the leaves to make a floorplan of a house. Every couple of days or so, we would have to recreate the house as more leaves would fall.
After most of the leaves had fallen, we would rake the leaves into huge piles under each tree. Then we would take turns jumping out of the tree into the piles of leaves. None of us were ever hurt because we had such a big pile.
Once the leaves came out in the spring, we would spend more time in the trees. They were so huge we could climb onto the roof. Boy was my dad mad. He cut down those branches as soon as he found out. We used to time ourselves how quickly we could climb all around the tree as there was a huge circle we could manuever without coming down to the base of the branches. We each had out special spot in the trees and would just hang out there for hours talking.
In the summer, the leaves were so dense that we could hide up there and watch people without them seeing us. Plus, we were grateful for the shade in the hot days of summer. Regularly, birds would build nests we could watch from the other side of the tree and look down into the nest.
I lived there until I was 17 when my parents divorced but still recall those trees with fondness. They were the best trees any children could ever have. Years later, both trees had to be cut down as they became diseased and died. Too bad for the children that live in the neighborhood now. My brother and I still speak of how much fun we had during those years climbing and playing in the mulberry trees of Keim Drive.
Thanks for the opportunity to tell my story.
Hi there,
Let me start this with WOW!
my Husband and I were speaking tonight about buying a tree for the backyard. We wanted one that would grow really fast, so as always I jumped on the computer and started researching. I am not entirely sure how I ended up at your blog, but I am thankful that I did. Your blog is amazing. Not that I am a great expert on these things considering that your the first blog I have seen. Now that I have seen yours I will definately look at others.
I'm not going to try for the contest because your going to have a hard enough time deciding as it is. Good luck with that... I am excited to see who wins and can't wait to see pics of the trees.
I am also a picture nut and love planting things. I started planting a couple years ago when we finally bought a house. You will catch on.. it's a learning curve which are fun right? Well it is great to see something that you planted grow and change into beautiful things. Well anyway I will stop wriing this novel. and finish with another Thank-You for the experience.
Take care and Happy Growing
Trina Burton
Ontario, Canada :)
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